Saturday, March 19, 2011


I am definitely an observer by nature, I will just sit back and watch others and how they interact.  But I've learned recently that while I always thought that this was the smart way (which really means SAFE way) to approach things.  I was leaking this habit into other aspects of my life. Sitting on the sidelines, as opposed to just getting out there and making a difference can seem easier said than done.  Whether it be a dream I have wanted to follow, or a cause I've wanted to get involved with.  I have found myself being guilty of all of waiting for someone else to start the initiative.   

I have been constantly telling myself that, there are ways to begin, breaking out of the "observation booth", jumping into the world that I  want as opposed to the world I wish I had.  I believe that jumping out of your comfort zone and into you dream is always scary. The beautiful of social media to me is just one of the ways you can begin to start stepping out of your comfort zone.  So many people say that the internet deters relationships, but I believe that is only if we allow it to. I challenge you to work it to your advantage Maybe you wouldn't be the person that would just walk into a room full of people and address a group of people...

But maybe you ARE the person that is resilient at encouraging people in the form of sending out those notes or comments of encouragement in the middle of the week.  No matter what you personality type, I think that it is important to acknowledge and encourage those we admire.  It's ok to start small, don't feel like you don't have a voice or that your opinion won't matter.  You never know you might be the person they needed.  Just simply say...Hey, there is someone out here that notices and admires you.  

The person I admire and adore is fellow blogger and youtuber, JESSICA LEE  My first interaction was in the YOUTUBE   community,  but I've become a HUGE FAN of her blog.  She has a huge heart and it resounds AMAZINGLY through the many projects, challenges, and events she always puts together.  I am so guilty of just sitting on the sidelines as a follower, and not letting her know how inspiring I truly think she is.
Right now,  she has an amazing contest going on to help in the relief efforts in Japan. PROJECT RADIATE will be supporting Jessica's efforts and encourage you to do so as well.

Stop by her blog or youtube channel, to see all the AWESOME things she is doing to make this world a better place!!!

...and let her know that  YOU & PROJECT RADIATE thinks she is AMAZING!!!




                          -ATTEREC DESIGN HOUSE-

1 comment:

  1. this was so beautiful. i think i should start writing these kinda posts too. Just when I thought I was fading into the background, I read this and you instantly made my life a little better. Thank you liz! <3
