Friday, March 25, 2011


Early yesterday morning, (and I mean EARLY...)  I had to go to the laundry mat on my way to set.  While I was there, there was a girl who was working that caught my eye...not because she was sporting some crazy makeup or hairdo, or because she was wearing something completely inappropriate.  She was just an average normal looking girl but she had something no one else in the room had.... a SMILE...and I mean this smile did not leave her face. She was walking around picking up trash, and wiping down the machines... just SMILING away.  :D

Now you might seem to think this is just a normal occurrence, or even strange that I would be dedicating a blog to this... but her smile was both intriguing and inspiring.   I couldn't help but think...WHY IN THE HECK IS THIS GIRL ALL SMILEY AT 5:30 AM!?!

I then proceeded to think of all the reasons why a person might NOT be SMILING...
Which turned into thinking of all the reasons why she might BE SMILING...

THEN, I came to this conclusion...

No matter what her reason, she had an effect on me.  Whether it be because she knew it or not, she was lighting up a room.  How many times have you been more wrapped up in what is going on with your own personal life, than to notice the impression you are leaving with others.  So whether or not she was just having a really great day... or is like this everyday... it reminds me just how much of an impact we have on other people.
So tomorrow, when you start your day...wherever your road takes you... try to put on a SMILE along the way, you never know who or how it is going to impact someone.

                                                        -ATTEREC DESIGN HOUSE-

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