Monday, April 4, 2011

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect Posture

Everyone has those days when they just don't feel like entering a room with their head held high. I know, that there are those who say fake it til you make it, and honestly when those days come, relying on mind over matter isn't really the worst idea.  But come on, somedays it takes an academy award performance, that you may not have in you.   This weeks, guest blogger, is Dr. Karen Jacobson of Jacobson Family Chiropractic, who is not only giving us a reminder of why it is important on a physical level to keep your posture in check, but also some tips on how to incorporate it into your everyday life. 

                                 -Project Radiate-

I remember as a little girl walking up and down the hallway  
shoulders pulled back and a book on my head, “stand up straight”
my mother would say.  Little did I know back then what an important
role posture would play in my life…
A simple way to observe proper posture is done by checking a person’s alignment. Proper posture will create a Plumb line. From the side view, the head is centered with the ear lined up to the front of the shoulder, eyes gazing at the horizon straight ahead.  Shoulders lined up above the center of the hips, followed along the seam of the pants to the middle of the knee ending just in front of the ankle bone with the pelvis gently tucked under and knees relaxed with a soft bend.When looking from the front, weight is distributed equally between the left and right sides, hips level, shoulders level and the ears are level.What do we see when we look around us?  How many kids and adults walk around with slumped shoulders, staring at the ground? What can we do to improve our posture and health throughout life?  Simple, paying just a little attention to what we do, can create a world of difference.

Posture at work when sitting for long periods of time, get up, move around and stretch.  Keep the computer monitor in a slight upward tilt, creating the proper curve in your neck.  Sit upright, feet flat on the floor and knees at a 90 degree angle.  Have a small pillow to support your low back. 

Posture at play   When working out pay attention to balance and symmetry; check your posture in the mirror when lifting weights avoid lifting excess weight so neck and shoulders are relaxed to prevent you from straining and pulling your head forward.
If riding a bike be sure the seat is high enough so your knee is extended on the bottom pedal and toes barely touching.

Posture at rest   Sleep on you back or side with only one neck pillow , perhaps using a pillow under the knees when on your back or between them when on side. Avoid stomach sleeping. Be sure to stretch in the morning when you get up

Awareness is the key; if you know what to look for you are on the right path and remember if all else fails you can always walk around with a book on your head…

***Dr Karen R Jacobson is Official Chiropractor & Wellness advisor to Healthy U TV show. She maintains a Family practice in Scottsdale, AZ with a focus is on Children and pregnancy as well as athletes of all ages. For more information

      Check or call 480 657-3600  

Friday, March 25, 2011


Early yesterday morning, (and I mean EARLY...)  I had to go to the laundry mat on my way to set.  While I was there, there was a girl who was working that caught my eye...not because she was sporting some crazy makeup or hairdo, or because she was wearing something completely inappropriate.  She was just an average normal looking girl but she had something no one else in the room had.... a SMILE...and I mean this smile did not leave her face. She was walking around picking up trash, and wiping down the machines... just SMILING away.  :D

Now you might seem to think this is just a normal occurrence, or even strange that I would be dedicating a blog to this... but her smile was both intriguing and inspiring.   I couldn't help but think...WHY IN THE HECK IS THIS GIRL ALL SMILEY AT 5:30 AM!?!

I then proceeded to think of all the reasons why a person might NOT be SMILING...
Which turned into thinking of all the reasons why she might BE SMILING...

THEN, I came to this conclusion...

No matter what her reason, she had an effect on me.  Whether it be because she knew it or not, she was lighting up a room.  How many times have you been more wrapped up in what is going on with your own personal life, than to notice the impression you are leaving with others.  So whether or not she was just having a really great day... or is like this everyday... it reminds me just how much of an impact we have on other people.
So tomorrow, when you start your day...wherever your road takes you... try to put on a SMILE along the way, you never know who or how it is going to impact someone.

                                                        -ATTEREC DESIGN HOUSE-

Monday, March 21, 2011


Sophia Loren said “There is nothing that makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.” I’ve read that quote before and sometime in my 30’s I think I finally got it. At some point I stopped some point I discovered that I love my curves, I love the soft parts of me that are perfect for cuddling...I love my skin, my eyes, my hair, my hands, my feet. Are there parts of me I think I’d like to change? Yeah, but it’s mostly about wanting to be stronger...about wanting to be vibrant for years to is most definitely not because I’m concerned someone else’s butt looks better than mine. That woman at the bar who doesn’t look like a supermodel, but she can keep up with the drinks men want to buy her & the dances that go with them? She gets it too. That woman who’s a little chubby and wears no makeup, but her smile lights up a room? She definitely gets it. 

I realize there’s no magical formula that will reveal this information to every woman instantaneously. I realize that sometimes life experience is what it takes reach this level of acceptance of your own flaws....and your own awesomeness. I do, however, have a little advice to get you started and it comes from something my girls and I have started to affectionately call “The Tiara Ministry”. 

For my wedding, I bought a beautiful, sparkly, over the top tiara...because I already had a collection of what I called my “casual tiaras”. Someone made the comment the other day while discussing our weddings about how unfortunate it is not to have anywhere to wear that tiara. I told her I wear it everywhere. And she was confused. So I explained. I wear that tiara every chance I get. 

Do you know that if you randomly wear a tiara, strangers will call you princess? It’s especially good to wear it with sweats and a t-shirt to the grocery store on a Saturday morning....people assume you’re getting married and they’re SO nice to you. There’s something about putting a crown on that makes you instantly feel better about everything. It’s not shallow, it’s not vanity. That feeling you get when you put on something sparkly, that’s the feeling we should have all the time.

And if you’ve never felt it, how do you know how to recreate it? You don’t have to enter a bunch of pageants to pursue them...just buy one on eBay...heck, buy three...last count I had nine.
                                                               -KASHMIR ROCK SPA-
{-Thanks to Project Radiate, for inviting me to guest blog this week. My baby is KASHMIR ROCK SPA, and we’re honored to be one of the Signature Sponsors of this non-profit organization. We share an absolute belief that there is something inherently beautiful in every woman. And we share a desire to help every woman see that beauty in themselves.
                                             -BRANDI BAKER- Owner - KASHMIR ROCK SPA}

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I am definitely an observer by nature, I will just sit back and watch others and how they interact.  But I've learned recently that while I always thought that this was the smart way (which really means SAFE way) to approach things.  I was leaking this habit into other aspects of my life. Sitting on the sidelines, as opposed to just getting out there and making a difference can seem easier said than done.  Whether it be a dream I have wanted to follow, or a cause I've wanted to get involved with.  I have found myself being guilty of all of waiting for someone else to start the initiative.   

I have been constantly telling myself that, there are ways to begin, breaking out of the "observation booth", jumping into the world that I  want as opposed to the world I wish I had.  I believe that jumping out of your comfort zone and into you dream is always scary. The beautiful of social media to me is just one of the ways you can begin to start stepping out of your comfort zone.  So many people say that the internet deters relationships, but I believe that is only if we allow it to. I challenge you to work it to your advantage Maybe you wouldn't be the person that would just walk into a room full of people and address a group of people...

But maybe you ARE the person that is resilient at encouraging people in the form of sending out those notes or comments of encouragement in the middle of the week.  No matter what you personality type, I think that it is important to acknowledge and encourage those we admire.  It's ok to start small, don't feel like you don't have a voice or that your opinion won't matter.  You never know you might be the person they needed.  Just simply say...Hey, there is someone out here that notices and admires you.  

The person I admire and adore is fellow blogger and youtuber, JESSICA LEE  My first interaction was in the YOUTUBE   community,  but I've become a HUGE FAN of her blog.  She has a huge heart and it resounds AMAZINGLY through the many projects, challenges, and events she always puts together.  I am so guilty of just sitting on the sidelines as a follower, and not letting her know how inspiring I truly think she is.
Right now,  she has an amazing contest going on to help in the relief efforts in Japan. PROJECT RADIATE will be supporting Jessica's efforts and encourage you to do so as well.

Stop by her blog or youtube channel, to see all the AWESOME things she is doing to make this world a better place!!!

...and let her know that  YOU & PROJECT RADIATE thinks she is AMAZING!!!




                          -ATTEREC DESIGN HOUSE-

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Recently, I took a style quiz online, and it made me realize that the things I love aren't the things that represent me, which got me to thinking...

How many times have you gotten up late, or due to a hectic schedule just not taken the time that you would like to do those little extra things for yourself before you walked out the door?  I am guilty of all counts, and then I get frustrated because it never fails that I see a person, wearing the things that I wish I had taken the time to put on, or end up feeling just envious of how well put together they look.

As a makeup artist my job is to make the people I work with look and feel beautiful. Yet most days, I myself feel far from pretty and more confident.  That can be a difficult thing especially on those days when I'm running late, or where I have a meeting to attend and have just come from a shoot where the set is in the middle of the desert.  Start compounding those occasional days into frequent ones and it can be a very hard pattern to overcome.

On a more personal level, as I get ready to leave to work in a different state,  I can't help but notice that this same pattern is ringing loud and clear.  I have spent all week, getting my kit ready, cleaning all my brushes, printing and organizing release forms, yet I haven't taken a moment to do anything for myself!?!  

Are you guilty?  I'm learning that changing the way we treat ourselves can be one of the most difficult tasks there is.  Especially when you have conditioned yourself to be the last priority (if any) of the day.  So I have come to a few conclusions.  First, it is OK to take time for yourself...and second it is OK to stand out or to have your own style.

 I am going to find a way to incorporate the styles that I love into my everyday life,  and of course...

                                                              Atterec Design House-